Lake Gaston Ladies Club

Lake Gaston Ladies Club is a non-profit social club for women who live on Lake Gaston or in Lake Gaston subdivisions. Its mission is to provide friendship and support to its members and to participate in outreach programs designed to help those in our community.


In 1976 when few people lived on Lake Gaston and the subdivisions were widely scattered, it was difficult for newcomers to meet one another. A handful of ladies started gathering in each other's homes to share a dish for lunch. As the lake population increased, participation in the group grew rapidly. The secret was out. In 1978, Lake Gaston Ladies Club "LGLC" was formally organized. From that meager beginning we have blossomed into a very active social club.


We are a unique organization, encompassing two states (NC and VA) and five counties (Northampton, Warren, Halifax, Brunswick, and Mecklenburg). With more than 529 members in LGLC, there is no other club quite like us in the USA.

We have a 14 member Board of Directors, 11 Standing Committees, and almost 18 Activity Groups, ranging from card games, to board game groups to singing, cooking, dancing, gardening, outdoor activity groups and others. You can find a group for anything you love to do. We publish a yearly membership directory and a monthly newsletter which we call Shore Lines. 

Our monthly meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month, September through May. In June, we have an ice cream social. Our meetings / luncheons offer a wonderful opportunity to renew old friendships and establish new ones. Our programs are both informative and entertaining.

Our 2024-2025 theme is

"Put some laughter in each step and make it part of your dance."

Our club has donated thousands of dollars to local nonprofits, food banks, schools, nursing homes, shelters and others. LGLC has made an amazing difference in the lives of many in our communities. Together, we can change the life of one person at a time. Our LGLC is waiting on YOU to come and help us make a difference. We need YOU to join our "family" (friends and family). Come and share the joy and friendship that LGLC can offer!



Membership is open to any woman who owns and/or resides in an established Lake Gaston subdivision or individual property on the lake.

For more information and/or an application to join LGLC, please contact our Membership Chair.

Linda Fitts Scholarship

If you are a member of the Lake Gaston Ladies Club and you, your spouse, child, grandchild, or great-grandchild are going to college, consider applying for the Linda Fitts Scholarship:

Linda Fitts Scholarship fill in by hand

Linda Fitts Scholarship fillable.

If you are interested in joining us, please read the membership requirements above, and if you qualify, please contact our Membership Chair.